Thursday, July 10, 2008

Final Paper Topics

Hi. Here are the Final Paper topics.

You have about three weeks to finalize your specific research question and approach. I encourage you to do some audience studies (so far, a lot of you are choosing representations studies). But I hope the lecture next week will get you interested in audiences too! :)

1) Mediation of Hate: The CounterNarratives of ChikaTime, PerezHilton, and Other Vicious Blogs
2) Compassion Fatigue or Media Fatigue? Mediated Suffering and Audience Responses
3) Observing OFWs: Changing Representations of Filipina Migrants in the Media
4) The Exploding Other: When Enemies Appear in the Media Space
5) Dreams and Nightmares in the Global Village: Representations of Technology in the Media
6) Reflexive Journalism: Ethics, Compassion, and Politics in Journalists’ Memoirs
7) Dialogues with the Dead: Photographs of Mourning
8) Notoriety and Filipino-ness: Janina San Miguel, Dancing Prisoners, and Other Pseudo-Celebs and Discourses about the Nation
9) Them Reporting Us: The Reporting of Local Events by International News
10) Discourses of Dialogue and Dissemination: When Do We Favor One Over the Other?
11) Media and Morality: What Philosophical Tradition Should We Use in Prescribing a Moral Media?


Guia Franco said...

Good day, Sir Jon! :) I tried to send you a message but your e-mail address ( doesn't seem to be working.

Jonathan C. Ong said...

Really?! Send also to