Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lecture 3: Proximity and Distance

HERE are our lecture slides for download. I really really enjoyed our discussion yesterday. And I hope that you did too! Let's hope that we continue it online!

Here are some of the discussion questions. As always, feel free to discuss these or raise some other issues that you find interesting:
1) How can we relate the theories of mediation with the models of communication? Which story do you believe?
2) From your experience, when and how do the media connect? When do they separate?
3) Why or how do you privilege dialogue over dissemination? Why the nostalgia for dialogue in an age of dissemination/always-already mediation?
4) What is YOUR dream for perfect communication?
5) (Cf Xela's question about the teacher as a medium) Can you guess the main message or "ending" of the course?

Also, some of you have asked about consultation hours and contact information. Feel free to email me anytime at to schedule a meeting. My consultation hours are T/TH 3-430PM, but we can arrange to meet outside of this, if necessary. We can discuss concepts discussed in class that you need clarified, ideas that you have for your papers and projects, and any other thing remotely related to media and communications.

1) The reading for next Wednesday is Exploring Media Discourse by Myra MacDonald. Chapter 1 is available for photocopy in the Filipiniana section of the library. Please get a copy!
2) Bring a print ad or a news article that we can analyze for its interesting portrayal of a particular country (e.g., Wow Philippines advert, business news about China, news coverage of French riots).


Guia Franco said...

2) From your experience, when and how do the media connect? When do they separate?

In class, we discussed quite memorably how we should "let the Other explode in the media." This explosion of the Other in the media means giving the Other a voice. And with this voice comes the power to change the world by forming opinion and molding perspective. This explosion is an example of how the media connects. I've been following the U.S. primaries and I truly admire the efforts being created to give Americans a voice on who they want as their president. The YouTube Debate is a favorite of mine for it allows ordinary citizens to express their sentiments on pressing issues and raise concerns or address questions directly to the U.S. presidentiable candidates.

3) Why or how do you privilege dialogue over dissemination? Why the nostalgia for dialogue in an age of dissemination/always-already mediation?

I think more people choose dissemination over dialogue for practicality purposes. However, they feel utterly nostalgic over dialogue simply because it allows for a more intimate, more personal means of communication. It is a poignant fact that while development of information technology allows for greater quantity of communication, it fails to improve the quality of those communications. We may have an explosion of ways to reach our loved ones (e-mail, chat, webcam, text, etc.) but we know that nothing beats hearing their voice and speaking to them face-to-face.

Anonymous said...

3) Why or how do you privilege dialogue over dissemination? Why the nostalgia for dialogue in an age of dissemination/always-already mediation?

i didn't have a ym account until i came to the ateneo so it was kind of a shock for me to see how reliant many are to all the yahoo programs (messenger,groups,conference) in order to communicate. it's a bit sad that for most of the time we choose to get together online rather than face to face. even though it may be more convenient i think a lot is lost in terms of the creativity that's fostered when we share ideas in person rather than just typing them out and getting one word responses (okay,sige,yeah). I think it also hinders the formation of new friendships since I agree with the observation of one of my classmates about how we tend to edit ourselves and put our best foot forward when we communicate online. Hence i tend to be wary of meeting people i hardly know through IM etc. But my other classmate's (sorry im bad with names) story about how her friend was able to utilize the internet to show her true self that in turn led her to finding her love has changed my mind a little :)

4. What is YOUR dream for perfect communication?
We were discussing in philosophy the presuppositions of moral discourse and one of conditions was to recognize that what the other is saying is as important and is as valid as what i am saying. I think that this is important in communication because if we don't believe that what they're saying has value then why do we bother to speak or listen to them at all when it would just go out the other ear?

sorry if my thoughts are a bit muddled. i'll try to make it clearer next time :) see you wednesday sir!

sam sy

Anonymous said...

4. What is YOUR dream for perfect communication?

my idea of a perfect communication is one in which i have a chance to speak about AND listen to as many "versions" of reality as possible.

the danger with mediation of reality or of a story is that one form of mediation can be so compelling and convincing that you take it in and make it your own view especially if it is the only form that you are exposed to.

take news, for example. in the end, it is your responsibility to read up on the various articles of a news item in order to get the broader, if not "true", story.

this is a case where dialogue is indispensable.

jarco said...

4. What is YOUR dream for perfect communication?

i agree on what the others have said about how perfect communication is how one can truly and fully understand what the other is saying and vice versa. communication is seen by how a message or an idea can be transmitted, however this doesnt really mean it is really understood by the receiver. i guess this would be possible if people could understand a single language thoroughly and things such as underlying messages and hidden meanings can be directly translated by the receiver with ease. thatd be great, as misunderstandings may be avoided. =) yay.
